life is preparation for


summer is preparation for


Life was never worth living

The Rich

The Happy

The Poor

The Sad

The Proud

The Humble

Only Death unites us in its infinite and perfect silence

Frequently Asked Questions

What the fuck is this?
What do we do at this event?

As if you ever really cared? Everyone is busy shopping, scrolling through instagram, working, eating, sleeping. But while you waste your life, every minute and every second the clock keeps ticking. The same tick tock that will continue for ever and ever long after your heart has stopped beating and all those important pictures and engagements are long gone and over. Nobody will remember. Eventually you will be a memory of a memory.

Hopeless people that understand the futility and emptiness of their existence will get together in the darkness, and maybe be able to draw just a little bit of comfort from knowing that at least we suffer this way together.

Bring a poem, or a song or a piece of art to share. Then as broken vulnerable people we will share what hurts us the most.

When is this event

November 9th 2024


Most of you never really lived a day in your life anyway. Just plugging away like a zombie day in and day out. So does your death even really matter? But yes you will die too. The real question is will anyone notice or will anyone care?

Power, Sex and Money. Whoever has the biggest house with the nicest lawn wins.

Some of the dumber people dont.

At that moment lying alone in the dark when you close your eyes that one last time. There just for a fleeting moment you will find peace, Then instantly everything will be extinguished. But until then, struggle, pain, sorrow and despair is the burden you were born to bear.

Die When You Die: 2024
Metastasize your despair

Your Life is Pathetic. But so are you!

You thought you were so important. Why didn't they care went to Prom? When you graduated? When you made the team? When you got that big promotion? When you had a child? When you bought your house? Nobody really gives a fuck what you do with your life, so why do you?

Start Dying Sooner

The Little Worm That Could

Once upon a time, there was little worm that could. Not content with digging in the dirt and leaving slime on the pavement. The little worm wanted to be something, be bigger and important.

On one warm summer day, the little worm made his way to the top of the grass, and stretched out his little squirmy body so the entire length of his worminess was exposed in the sun. The little worm thought someone or something would see him and be impressed by his sight, pluck him from the garden and deliver him into the glory he deserved.

In a flash, before his little worm brain could comprehend what was happening. A bird dove from the heights of the sky, rocketing downward, grabbed the worm and gulped him up in one effortless bite.

Copyright © DieWhenYouDie. All rights reserved

Just kidding. Steal whatever you want!